How To Make Aloe Vera Juice

Today I’m going to tell you how to make aloe vera juice at home. Aloe vera juice is also called komarika juice and is made from only the gel of an aloe vera leaf.

You might be surprised at how easy – and healthy it is.

And I know what some of you are thinking, ewwww that sounds gross. The truth is, it does take a little getting used to the taste – but once you do your body will almost crave it and you will enjoy it.

Aloe vera has been used for more than 6,000 years in so many ways and is quite popular even to this day, so make sure to add this beneficial plant to your diet to reap the benefits. If you can’t find it or don’t want to prepare it yourself, you can also buy it online or at a store.

how to make aloe vera juice from slices of aloe vera

Aloe vera benefits

Aloe vera contains many vitamins, minerals and micronutrients, such as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C, E and PP, as well as iron, calcium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, chromium, magnesium, manganese, selenium, and zinc. It also contains 7 of the 8 essential amino acids. It could also be used as an effective electrolyte drink similar to using coconut water and making a baking soda drink.

The Aloe plant mostly of the Aloe vera barbadensis variety is well known for improving the health of the digestive system. Another widely used aloe type is Aloe Ferox, which is also called African aloe or bitter Aloe and also has many health benefits for the body as mentioned here.

Personally I use aloe for this specific reason. It would act on ulcerations in the stomach and esophagus, as well as in the intestines. It contains certain components (mucopolysaccharides that form this characteristic viscous gel) which are suspected of normalizing the microbiota as well as relieving inflammation.

And at the same time would reduce intestinal fermentation processes.

Another common use of aloe vera is as a great natural laxative mainly due to its Aloe latex content. Ancient people have used the plant  for its many medicinal benefits along which is the purgative effect it has and is still often used for the same purpose today.

Aloe vera leaf is also used widely for its skin benefits. You may remember as a kid, getting that bad sunburn and mom would run and get the aloe vera gel to help with the healing!

It acts as an effective antibacterial and anti-fungal agent. It also strengthens the immune system. Aloe vera has also natural anti-inflammatory properties.

What are the side effects of drinking aloe vera juice?

Note: The information given here is for educational and informational purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice. The information is not intended to replace medical advice or treatment offered by healthcare professionals.

Aloe Vera isn’t all about benefits though. Yes, we are talking about the same aloe vera juice we hear all the good things about, a clear and slightly acidic beverage derived from the aloe plant, and it seems that everyone agrees on its benefits. But, as with anything in life there could be some side effects from consumption of aloe vera according to science!

There is still pending research and further studies to be conducted on the full array of beneficial qualities aloe vera has.

how to make aloe vera gel

What is bad about aloe vera?

Aloe vera does not present, in itself, a serious danger for your health. Used in the form of juice, gel or cream, it has many undeniable medicinal and cosmetic properties.

It is rather when its whole leaves (without peeling and washing, cleaning them) are cooked or used fresh that it can cause side effects.

So, basically it comes down to how you will prepare them. It’s only the gel, which is at the heart of the aloe leaf that can be consumed. However, the thin, slightly yellow part that surrounds it, the so-called latex, is dangerous for the human body.

The side effects will manifest themselves in the form of adverse reactions like:

  • stomach cramps
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • improper functioning of the liver
  • cardiac arrhythmia

So, be sure you are only using the gel when preparing aloe for internal consumption.

aloe vera drink recipe

How to make aloe vera gel

aloe vera juice in cups

Homemade Aloe Vera Juice

Yield: 2 Cups


  • 1 or 2 aloe vera leaves
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 3 tablespoons stevia or maple syrup (you can use honey if not vegan)
  • 12 ounces spring water


First, make aloe gel from the leaves:

  1. Start by cleaning the leaves well with a vegetable brush
  2. Stand the leaves up in a glass or bowl to allow the yellow part of the leaf to drain out. This can irritate your skin, so this step is highly recommended.
  3. Once the yellow resin has drained, wash the leaves again and peel off the skin with a knife.
  4. When you peel the skin from the leaf you will see the gel, you can scoop that out – but be careful not to scrape any of the skin.
  5. Place gel in a bowl and blend until it becomes liquified.

Now, make the aloe vera juice:

  1. Place the aloe vera gel from above in a blender bowl
  2. Pour the juice of half a lemon over it
  3. Add sweetener (optional)
  4. Add flavor additives like ginger, turmeric, or fruit juices
  5. Pour over spring water and mix well
  6. Serve immediately or pour into a sterilized jar or container and refrigerate

How to make aloe vera juice taste even better:

  • Peel and remove all the green skin parts as they will spoil the taste of your juice
  • Remove the yellowish natural aloe latex from the leaf before juicing as it’s quite bitter and may cause some tummy issues due to its laxative properties
  • Add a natural sweetener to your aloe drink like maple syrup, stevia, a bit of sugar, or if you are not a vegan – honey.
  • Spices like ginger can also be a nice addition.


The following people should not drink aloe vera juice without speaking to a doctor:

  1. Pregnant women
  2. Lactating women
  3. Children below 12 years old
  4. Elderly people.
  5. People with potassium deficiency
  6. People with risk of allergy (which will manifest as a rash, hives, or difficulty breathing
  7. People with kidney problems
  8. People who are diabetic: aloe vera tends to lower blood sugar levels, which may interact with your treatment.

If you want to be able to preserve and properly store the aloe vera leaves to extract the gel, here are some steps to follow:

  1. Start by cleaning the leaves well with a vegetable brush
  2. Stand the leaves up in a glass or bowl to allow the yellow part of the leaf to drain out. This can irritate your skin, so this step is highly recommended.
  3. Once the yellow resin has drained, wash the leaves again and peel off the skin with a knife.
  4. When you peel the skin from the leaf you will see the gel, you can scoop that out – but be careful not to scrape any of the skin.
  5. Place gel in a bowl and blend until it becomes liquified.

The gel in its natural state will last in the refrigerator up to a week. This is the first step in how to make aloe vera juice. This gel will be used in the recipe below.

Aloe Gel to Make a Juice

How to eat aloe vera

Aloe vera can be eaten or consumed in several ways. You can add it to many mostly raw recipes like smoothies, juices, ice cream and other preparations.

I mention raw because any exposure to heat or cooking will greatly decrease or destroy any beneficial vitamins and nutrients we are actually looking for when we eat the wonderful Aloe plant.

How to make aloe vera juice

The recipe below is based on the steps above already being taken to remove the gel from the aloe vera leaves.

Yield: Approximately 2 cups
Preparation time: 5 minutes


  • 1 or 2 aloe vera leaves
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 3 tablespoons stevia or maple syrup (you can use honey if not vegan)
  • 12 ounces spring water
aloe vera drink ingredients


  1. Place the aloe vera gel from above in a blender bowl
  2. Pour the juice of half a lemon over it
  3. Add sweetener (optional)
  4. Add flavor additives like ginger, turmeric, or fruit juices
  5. Pour over spring water and mix well
  6. Serve immediately or pour into a sterilized jar or container and refrigerate

Making aloe vera juice taste better

Commercial store bought aloe vera juice is made to taste good and is already sweetened enough, but if you make the juice at home there are a few things to consider to get a smooth refreshing aloe juice.

  • Peel and remove all the green skin parts as they will spoil the taste of your juice
  • Remove the yellowish natural aloe latex from the leaf before juicing as it’s quite bitter and may cause some tummy issues due to its laxative properties
  • Add a natural sweetener to your aloe drink like maple syrup, stevia, a bit of sugar, or if you are not a vegan – honey.
  • Spices like ginger can also be a nice addition.
aloe vera gel healthy

Who should not drink aloe vera juice?

In general, aloe vera is not recommended for:

  1. Pregnant women
  2. Lactating women
  3. Children below 12 years old
  4. Elderly people.
  5. People with potassium deficiency
  6. People with risk of allergy (which will manifest as a rash, hives, or difficulty breathing
  7. People with kidney problems
  8. People who are diabetic: aloe vera tends to lower blood sugar levels, which may interact with your treatment.

Which aloe vera species are edible?

The aloe plant has more than 500 species and only few are considered safe to consume. The edible variety is Aloe vera barbadensis  and the other widely spread (considered non edible) variety is Aloe vera var. chinensis. They are often mistaken for each other, but the difference is that Aloe barbadensis is edible and  has long, thick and fleshy leaves.

I grow aloe vera and below is a closeup of the aloe vera barbadensis species.

Aloe vera barbadensis leaves close up view
Aloe vera barbadensis
Aloe vera barbadensis thick leaves
Aloe vera barbadensis has long, thick, fleshy leaves when fully grown

Aloe var chinensis is mostly used for treating skin issues and burns. Though, it could also be suitable for consumption I don’t recommend eating it as there is contradicting information on the internet whether it’s edible or not.

So, just to be safe and avoid any possible health issues, don’t consume Aloe vera var. chinensis and only apply it on your skin (after you consult with your doctor and if you don’t have any allergies).

You will easily recognize Aloe vera var. chinensis as it has narrower leaves with white spots on them and is generally quite smaller in size than Aloe vera barbadensis.

Aloe var chinensis
Aloe var chinensis has white spots on the leaves

Can aloe vera juice be drank on an empty stomach?

You can consume the aloe vera juice on empty stomach every morning and should not eat anything within one hour.

The benefits of eating aloe vera for breakfast are plentiful. It helps curb appetite so you don’t overeat during the day; all the minerals in aloe make it an excellent detoxifier, it’s also high in fiber which promotes regular bowel movements and is rich in electrolytes which are great for proper hydration!

When you use aloe on an empty stomach, you are allowing it to better express its beneficial properties. Which applies to most other natural and herbal remedies too. Consuming aloe vera without food will have better healing effect compared to having a meal and aloe together.

The benefits of eating aloe vera on an empty stomach or before a meal are as follows:

  •  It is natural and safe to consume and normally does not cause any side effects like other medicines or treatments.
  •  It’s known to fight inflammation and give relief from pain.
  •  the gel substance of the plant helps in reducing weight by removing toxins from the body.
  •  aloe’s anti-inflammatory properties can help with skin problems like rashes, psoriasis, eczema and other conditions.

Eating aloe vera in the morning or during fasting can help control cravings and hunger pangs that come up later in the day. It will also prevent constipation which is quite common when fasting.

Is it good to drink aloe vera every day?

Yes! To enjoy the full benefits of aloe vera juice,  you can drink 2 to 8 ounces. You can dilute these dosages with other healthy juices (lemon, lime, orange, etc.) and have a refreshing daily drink and still enjoy the health benefits of aloe vera.

Can aloe vera be boiled?

Yes you can boil aloe vera. Boiling the aloe vera gel will help dissolve it to get a smoother texture and you can make a nice drink that way too. But, as with most healthy plants, the high temperature may lower the beneficial properties of aloe by destroying and removing a large portion of the vitamins, minerals and other good nutrients.

So, if you want to take advantage of the full healing power of the aloe vera plant, when making a juice or for skin application, then it’s better to avoid boiling it and use it in its natural raw form.

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